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We’re fighting to preserve the canyon but we’re also fighting big business and well-funded developers. Please consider showing your support by making a financial contribution to protect the canyon for future generations. Click below.

Write to elected officials


Make your voice heard. By reaching out to your elected officials at the state and local levels, we can influence important policy decisions that will determine the future of Little Cottonwood Canyon.

Find your State Senator and Representatives

Find your State and Federal Elected Officials

Comment on social media


Be part of the conversation and share your opinions about the importance of protecting LCC by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Click below.

Please share a link to our website lccfriends.org to help spread the word!

Tell your friends


Word of mouth is the best way to spread our message. Please tell your neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers about our cause. Urge them to learn more about the importance of preserving the canyon and responsible government spending.